Books Archive

Cornelia Guest’s Simple Pleasures: Healthy Seasonal Cooking and Easy Entertaining - If you want to be taken seriously, you might not want to be a socialite. Cornelia Cochrane Churchill Guest’s father was Winston Frederick Churchill Guest, an international polo star and a

Cosmo Doogood’s Urban Almanac, 2006 -       Cosmo Doogood's Urban Almanac, 2006 Eric Utne Year after year, if you're like me, you

Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights - On the Letters page of a magazine I was idly reading were some angry --- make that outraged --- blasts from readers. Accompanying those letters was an explanation --- it's

Crazy for the Storm - Video Norman Ollestad, then and now “Dad and I were a team, and he was Superman,” Norman Ollestad says, in a line that millions of fathers wish their sons would write about

Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki - The first thing that fascinated me about Shunryu Suzuki --- the monk who's mostly responsible for bringing Zen to America --- was his response when he was asked to summarize

Crooked Heart - GUEST BUTLER NORA LEVINE's byline is familiar here; she owns the literary mystery/thriller corner of this site. In her real life, she says, “I was a law librarian until it

Curious George - There was no school on Martin Luther King's birthday, so I asked our daughter --- age “four-and-a-half-and-three-quarters” --- to pick out some books that I could

D.H. Lawrence: The Rocking Horse Winner - There was a woman who was beautiful, who started with all the advantages, yet she had no luck. She married for love, and the love turned to dust. She had

Da Silvano Cookbook: Simple Secrets from New York ‘s Favorite Italian Restaurant - Da Silvano is one of the great restaurants of New York . Has been for 25 years. Great, of course, because Famous People say it's great (and go there so

Damage - THE AMAZON LINK: There are now two ways to get to Amazon and support this site. Old: Click on the “Buy it from Amazon” link on any review and go

Damn Yankees: Twenty-Four Major League Writers on the World’s Most Loved (and Hated) Team - When I worked at America Online, Memorial Day was about a brief nod to the war dead and a loud hello to grilling season. We’d built a giant special

Dancing After Hours -   So long ago it might have been in another life, I spent a day with Andre Dubus and wrote a long profile about him. It was a study in contradictions.

Daphne du Maurier - She wrote "Rebecca." "The Birds." "Jamaica Inn." "Don't Look Now." I'm fairly sure you’ve seen some of the films adapted from those books. Hitchcock's film of "Rebecca" --- the first he made

Darker Than the Deepest Sea: The Search for Nick Drake - Friends said that Nick Drake's music “brushes the ear.” That his songs were like “butterflies chained to anchors.” That his “breathy beige voice” was ideally suited to a message of “gentle doom.” That,

David C. Taylor: Night Watch - I couldn’t write a thriller. I write books and plays that are essentially love stories. That is, two people in a room. Five major characters – that’s probably my limit. It

David Carr: The Night of the Gun - “Let's say, for the sake of argument, that a guy threw himself under a crosstown bus and lived to tell the tale,” David Carr writes. “Is that a

David Mamet: How to tell a story - “The Unit” was a CBS series that ran from 2006 to 2009. This show, about a secret military unit modeled after the Delta Force, wasn’t just an action series. Because

David Sedaris - Video The Stadium Pal Are you ever so thankful no one can read your mind? Not so fast. David Sedaris knows our secret thoughts and gives them away ---

David Sedaris: Theft by Finding: Diaries (1977-2002) - David Sedaris hasn’t published a book since 2013. “Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls," like all Sedaris collections was a bestseller, but it was uneven --- here’s my review --- and

Dead End Gene Pool - The trick to money is to have a lot, but not too much. What’s too much? Best answer: Start accumulating wealth. When you have enough, you’ll feel great. When you have too