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Mane ’n Tail Repair ’n Replenish Shampoo and Conditioner

By Jesse Kornbluth
Published: Feb 21, 2021
Category: Beauty/Vanity

“It is only shallow people,” Oscar Wilde said, “who do not judge by appearances.”

Because that is not just witty but true, the New York Times headline surely got a ton of clicks: You’re Not Imagining It: The Pandemic Is Making Your Hair Fall Out.

The Times report was dire: “The phenomenon is not all in our heads, according to experts, but is another frustrating byproduct of both immense stress and post-viral inflammation from Covid-19. Known as telogen effluvium in the medical world, temporary hair loss results from fever, illness and severe stress, pushing more hairs than normal into the shedding phase of the hair growth life cycle.”

A self-appointed “expert” offered cures: an anti-inflammatory diet that cut out sugar, gluten, dairy and alcohol and incorporated colorful fruits and vegetables, oily fish and healthy fats like avocados and nuts… a new supplement routine of Omega 3-6-9, turmeric with fenugreek, evening primrose oil and two tablespoons of aloe juice a day.

Another “expert” suggests her favorite products — as if anecdotes are data.

I have data.

I’ve used Mane ‘n Tail shampoo for 40 years, and this is my hair, which is so old it gets its own Social Security checks. Sure, I lucked out in the genetics category, but I’m as vain as the next metrosexual — if I had more hair loss than a patch on the back of my head that I can’t see, I’d have changed shampoos decades ago. [I have one other vanity: I want to avoid the bags and lines under my eyes that announce I’ve been partying heavily, snorting yards of coke, and staying up until dawn, so before I go to bed, I rub Egyptian Magic under my eyes.]

You can read about Main ‘n Tail “Classic” and order it from Amazon here.

Update: I’ve moved on to the poorly named Repair’n Replenish Gentle Cleaning And Replenishing System. The shampoo is vegan. It contains no gluten, sulfates or parabans (chemicals used as preservatives in cosmetics). It does contain coconut oil and biotin (a water-soluble vitamin that’s a part of the vitamin B family). The conditioner is…conditioner. [To buy the two-package replenishing system from Amazon — you have your choice of sizes; 11 ounces for $16.99, 15 ounces for $22,99 — click here.]

Results? Virtual women love to run their virtual fingers through my virtual hair. At virtual bars, I can’t get a virtual drink without showing my virtual ID. And just now a virtual film producer called to hire my virtual hair for a virtual remake of “Shampooo.”

Virtual vanity, all is virtual vanity…